Promoting a Fusion of Human Performance, Exercise Science and Sports Medicine

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Thursday, June 2, 2011

Current economic state of our health

Health Statistics

Arthritis is the most common cause of disability in Americans , 19 million people.  20 percent (46 million) of people report M.D. diagnosed osteoarthritis and rates are expected to increase to 67 million by 2030.  Arthritis results in 36 million outpatient visits, 750,000 hospitalizations and 81 billion dollars in medical costs (1 percent of the GDP).   Physical activity is promoted to assist in health and wellness however many people are limited in their physical activity because of arthritis.  1 in 3 Americans, nearly 100 million people, live with some type of cardiovascular disease causing 6 million hospitalizations and 81 million outpatient visits each year costing a total of 448 billion dollars.  Dropping cholesterol levels by 10 percent in our people could yield a nationwide decrease in heart disease by 30%.  66 % of people who suffer a heart attack never return to work and are permanently disabled. 

We spend 1.4 trillion dollars in healthcare costs which is about 75 % from chronic diseases.  Chronic disease accounts for 5 of the top 6 causes of death.   Chronic disease accounts for 70 % of the deaths in the U.S. which are the most preventable causes of death through lifestyle modifications.  There has been an increase in American obesity in adults age 20 to 74 years over the last 30 years from 15 to 32 percent.  There is an increase in obesity in children and adolescents from 5 % to just almost 20% in the same time period.  Obesity currently represents a cost of about 117 million. At the current rate, 33% of all children born after the year 2000 are predicted to develop type II diabetes.  There are currently 11.8 million persons with diabetes.  A staggering 24% of our people have metabolic syndrome with associated insulin resistance.

These numbers can't be ignored.  Wellness is the solution!

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