Promoting a Fusion of Human Performance, Exercise Science and Sports Medicine

Our current system of improving Human Performance is fragmented. We need someone to synthesize the information. Someone who is a student, scientist, a doctor, an athlete and a sports performance coach. Dr Lyneil is this person and he welcomes the opportunity to provide you with the best information possible in a way that everyone can understand and implement into their daily lives.

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Sunday, February 27, 2011

Question Everything: How our brains work

The human brain is very complex and to this day neurologists could tell you we only know a fraction of how it works.  Neurologists can also tell you that humans have a significant amount of uncertainty between what we perceive as reality and what reality actually is.  As a slave to this uncertainty, humans must make choices.  Humans can never be absolutely certain about the outcomes of these choices or anything else for that matter.  We only have the ability to attempt to forecast the future and make best guesses.  Humans are not even able to be 100% certain about their own existence.  When we take a look at science, it offers us the evidence that humans cannot be very certain about anything.  The visual cortex of our brains demonstrates exactly the same activity when we are sleeping, imagining and when we are awake.  This means the brain responds to images in our dreams or imaginations exactly the same as the images we see in real life.  

As the famous poem by Chuang Tzu reads;
Once Zhuangzi dreamt he was a butterfly, a butterfly flitting and fluttering around, happy with himself and doing as he pleased. He didn't know he was Zhuangzi. Suddenly he woke up and there he was, solid and unmistakable Zhuangzi. But he didn't know if he was Zhuangzi who had dreamt he was a butterfly, or a butterfly dreaming he was Zhuangzi. Between Zhuangzi and a butterfly there must be some distinction! This is called the Transformation of Things.

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