Promoting a Fusion of Human Performance, Exercise Science and Sports Medicine

Our current system of improving Human Performance is fragmented. We need someone to synthesize the information. Someone who is a student, scientist, a doctor, an athlete and a sports performance coach. Dr Lyneil is this person and he welcomes the opportunity to provide you with the best information possible in a way that everyone can understand and implement into their daily lives.

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Friday, May 20, 2011

What are the best sources of protein for performance and health?

What are the best common meat, poultry and fish proteins to eat for performance and health?  This is a question many of us have asked ourselves.  It is difficult to choose between meats in order to get the best bang for our buck.  It is also difficult to decide which protein sources will be less likely to cause a detriment to our health from high levels of mercury, saturated fat, and cholesterol.
Everyone loves Meat Loaf  sorry to say not a good option!

I decided to do some research and determine which food sources are the best choices for health and performance.  In terms of health we want to consume limited amounts of cholesterol and mercury.  

A 3 oz cut of Top Round has 31 g of protein and top sirloin has 26 g of protein.  They are classified as extra lean with less than 5 g of total fat and less than 2 g of saturated fat.  Top round yields approximately 169 total calories.  Top sirloin yields approximately 125 total calories. Top round yields 77 mg of cholesterol which is 26% of the RDI for a 2000 calorie diet.  Top sirloin yields 43 mg of cholesterol which is only 14% of the daily cholesterol.  Each has little sodium with top round at 38 mg (2%) and top sirloin at 56 mg(3%). 

Winner?  Top sirloin!  There are fewer calories despite a slight advantage going to top sirloin with more protein.  However, the low sodium nature of both choices makes them healthier but the top sirloin comes in at nearly half of the cholesterol.  Eating grass fed beef is also the best choice.  Grass fed cows have a better profile of anti-inflammatory/antioxidant omega 3 fatty acids.  The omega 3 ALA is found abundantly in the cell walls of green plants.  Grains are high in the pro-inflammatory omega 6 and 9’s.  Grain fed animals will also have a higher ratio of mega 6 and 9’s and therefore will promote more inflammation inside our bodies.


A 3 0z Chicken breast has 27 g of protein and is classified as extra lean with less than 5 g of total fat and less than 2 g of saturated fat.  Chicken breast yields approximately 132 total calories.  Chicken breast yields 72 mg of cholesterol which is 24% of the RDI for a 2000 calorie diet and has little sodium at 21 mg (1%).  Chicken breast also contains < 1 g of saturated fat per 3 oz.
Chicken is also a winner!  It is high in quality protein

A 3 0z serving of Turkey Breast has 15 g of protein, contains 1 g of total fat and saturated fat yielding 132 total calories.  Turkey Breast yields 36 mg of cholesterol which is 12% of the RDI for a 2000 calorie diet.  Turkey Breast has little sodium at 852 mg (36%). 

Free range chicken breast is preferred as well.  You can't trust what they do in those big plants!

Fish ?

First of all to avoid Mercury poisoning avoid the larger fish.  These fish live longer and tend to build up larger amounts of mercury.  Avoid marlin, orange roughy, shark, swordfish, tile fish, bluefish, grouper, sea bass and Ahi, albacore and yellowfin tuna.  Fish and seafood low in Mercury are anchovies, clams, crab, scallops, haddock, herring, mackerel, Pollock, salmon, shrimp, bass, halibut, cod and lobster.  Bass halibut and cod, and lobster are a little on the high end and should be consumed less than twice per week.

Coldwater fish are the best choice for providing higher levels of Omega 3 fatty acids, DHA and EPA.  EPA and DHA are derived from ALA which was mentioned previously.  Larger, older fish tend to consume other fish and therefore have higher levels of Mercury.  Smaller fish tend to feed off of algae.  The cells walls of algae also contain high levels of the omega 3 ALA, similar to grass. 

A 3 0z serving of Salmon has 19 grams of protein, contains 10 g of total fat and 2 g saturated fat yielding 132 total calories.  Salmon yields 54 mg of cholesterol which is 18% of the RDI for a 2000 calorie diet.  Salmon has little sodium at 52 mg (3%). 

A 3 0z serving of Mackerel has 19 grams of protein, contains 12 g of total fat and 3 g saturated fat yielding 174 total calories.  Mackerel yields 59 mg of cholesterol which is 20% of the RDI for a 2000 calorie diet.  Mackerel has little sodium at 77 mg (4%). 

A 3 0z serving of Cod has 15 grams of protein, contains 1 g of total fat and 0 g saturated fat yielding 70 total calories.  Cod yields 31 mg of cholesterol which is 10% of the RDI for a 2000 calorie diet.  Cod has little sodium at 60 mg (3%). 

A 3 0z serving of Halibut has 23 grams of protein, contains 2 g of total fat and 0 g saturated fat yielding 119 total calories.  Halibut yields 35 mg of cholesterol which is 12% of the RDI for a 2000 calorie diet.  Halibut has little sodium at 59 mg (3%). 

A 3 0z serving of Shrimp has 18 grams of protein, contains 1 g of total fat and 0 g saturated fat yielding 84 total calories. Shrimp yields 166 mg of cholesterol which is 55% of the RDI for a 2000 calorie diet.  Shrimp has little sodium at 190 mg (8%). 

A 3 0z serving of Scallops has 18 grams of protein, contains <1 g of total fat and 0 g saturated fat yielding 63 total calories.  Scallops yield 15 mg of cholesterol which is 5% of the RDI for a 2000 calorie diet.  Scallops have little sodium at 74 mg (4%). 

A 3 0z serving of Eggs( about 1.5  large whole eggs) has 12 grams of protein, contains 9 g of total fat and3 g saturated fat yielding 120 total calories.  Eggs yield 118 mg of cholesterol which is 39% of the RDI for a 2000 calorie diet.  Eggs have little sodium at 39 mg (2%). 

3 oz of hydrolyzed whey protein contains 340 calories 80 g of protein, 2.65 g of fat, 1.3 g of sat fat and 5 g of sugar.   Hyrdolyzed whey protein contains 340 mg of sodium which is 14% of our recommended daily allowance and 0 mg of cholesterol. 

Chicken breast is the cheapest at about 20 cents per ounce.  Top sirloin steak is second ranging between 30-40 cents per ounce.  The seafood selections are much more expensive ranging from approximately 50 cents to over a dollar per pound for certain selections. 

When considering fish, you must consider the price.  You might just get what you pay for however with Scallops, Halibut, and Cod.  These types of fish are all healthy selections when considering mercury, total fat, Omega 3’s and low calories.   They also provide plenty of fuel for athletic performance with large amounts of quality protein.  

If you are frugal and don’t mind a little extra fat, cholesterol and calories, chicken breast and top sirloin are also great choices. 

For those who are looking for the best post-workout fast acting protein source look no further than hydrolyzed whey protein.  3 oz(Conversion: 1 oz = approximately 28-29 g) of hydrolyzed whey protein contains 340 calories, 80 g of protein, 2.65 g of fat, 1.3 g of sat fat and 5 g of sugar.   Hyrdolyzed whey protein contains 340 mg of sodium which is 14% of our recommended daily allowance and 0 mg of cholesterol.  Nearly 1 oz is effective at supplying us with our recommended amounts of protein following a workout even for a larger male.  The male body can utilize approximately 14-30 g of protein every 3-4 hours. The female body can utilize approximately 7-21 g of protein within the same time span. 

Caution whey protein has a strong effect on the pancreas and insulin secretion.  Be sure to only consume whey protein after exercise or physical activity.  When in combination with fast digesting carbohydrates the pancreas secretes even more insulin.  This can be a great tool to use following workouts to push fuel into the muscles when insulin sensitivity of the muscles is high.  

Remember these selections were all 3 oz measurements.   Most of these choices are however consumed in larger quantities.  When choosing the portions of your food try to be sure you are not going over you daily recommended calories.   If you would like to estimate how many calories should be eaten each day go to  20-30% of our daily total calories should come from protein sources.  It should be on the higher end if you are trying to get leaner and more muscular. 

Hope this is helpful.  I know it was for me!

Monday, May 9, 2011

What to do for an ankle sprain? No Referrals Necessary

Picture this.  An athlete is running around the track at a high school track and field event.  The athlete trips and twists their ankle while rounding a turn.  What happens?

I can tell you it is not the same thing that happens in the real world.  When an athlete gets hurt, the treatment has been completely different than what the public gets.  Until now.

Traditionally, a physical therapist could only treat patients if they were referred by a physician.  In the early 2000's Highmark did a study that revealed quite a few things to the medical community.  First, the military has always allowed physical therapists to see patients without a referral.   Also, the soldiers got much better results and saved money in the process as well.  They have known this since the 70's.  Secondly, the results from the Highmark studies conducted in Pennsylvania and Maryland revealed patients recovered faster and spent less money if they went to their PT first.  

Then Direct Access was born.  Finally the public could have direct access to Physical Therapy without a referral.  Direct access means that a person should be able to directly access a service  professional that has a unique body of knowledge.  

People deserve to have direct access to a Physical Therapist.  That's not me saying it.  That's the Pennsylvania government and health insurance companies saying it.  They want to save costs and help get people back to work as fast as possible.  Just like the military and just like athletic teams.

PTs vow to help people and never hurt them.  Our medical liability insurance is less than 1000 dollars a year.  That's because PT is safe.  We use evidence and prediction rules to determine what we do.  We don't just fly by the seat of our pants.  We have a system to follow that guides our decision making process to deliver our treatments that surprisingly almost never hurt anyone.  In fact this increased independence occurred without an increase in patient malpractice claims nor an increase in our liability insurance expenses.
PTs  see ankle sprains and the same injuries over and over again.  It isn't like what a medical physician does. They are trying to figure out, not only if a person has cancer but which type of cancer a person has.  It is easy for a PT to differentiate between physical therapy cases like ankle sprains and medical cases like a fracture.  We see ankle sprains all of the time.  If it doesn't look like an ankle sprain we will know it right away.  The  red flags are easier for us to see and all of the studies show it.  We then refer patients back to a medical physician.  PTs are typically over conservative and often refer patients to physicians just to have the physicians clear the patient without any risks.  

We are not trying to steal business from physicians.  We always refer back to the physician within 30 days.  The idea is to get treatment early and get back to living your life whether on the field, at home or the office.  
Back to my original question.  What if the athlete sprained their ankle and then was told they couldn't get any treatment until they saw their primary physician first?  The athlete would go untreated for several days and get worse.  They would limp and develop compensations in their movement as well as muscle imbalances.  This in turn makes it harder for the patient to recover when they finally do get treatment which ultimately can lead to the person having lifelong problems if they wait too long.  

This is also the reason it costs more.  If the person waits, it takes more treatments and procedures to get better.  Today, we know that this doesn't make sense but up until a few years ago this is exactly the pathway the public had to go through to get treatment.

There is one catch, not all PT is created equal.  Some PTs are not certified to treat people off of the street.   The therapists at Revolution Physical Therapy have went through extensive education in differential diagnosis, medical screening, pharmacology and radiology to receive our Direct Access licenses.   My residency training also allowed me to treat athletes stepping right off of the field.  It was a much different experience than most PTs, chiropractors or any health care provider gets to experience unless they work in an arena where they see fresh injuries on a daily basis. It was almost like working in the emergency room sometimes.  I had to make a diagnosis quickly and start the APPROPRIATE treatment ASAP.  It was about getting the athletes back as fast as possible and in the best shape possible.

I think people should all have access to this type of service.  Thankfully the laws have changed, and all of the insurance companies out there have changed as well.  Now everyone does have access to this service but most people don't know it yet.

Please send this to anyone who could benefit from learning this information.  Times are changing and we are experiencing a Revolution.  People need to have the best information possible to be able to consume their health care.
Any questions?  Please do not hesitate.

Friday, May 6, 2011

The secret to fat loss part 2.

In review of last night’s talk at my clinic I will use the information for The Secrets to Fat Loss Part II. In Part III I am planning to unveil many more secrets that can be used to help lose body fat, get healthier and stay that way for ever.

It was a much better than expected attendance.  I am very thankful and appreciative to all of those who showed up.  Hope you enjoyed.  I received a lot of positive feedback and we are planning for future events revolving around similar topic so stay tuned.  

I started out with my interests in nutrition, weight loss and exercise when I started to participate in wrestling in 9th grade.  I was a slightly overweight football player.  My senior year of football I weighed about 225 pounds playing fullback and inside linebacker.  Within 5-6 weeks I had to drop my weight to 189 pounds to compete in wrestling.  They didn’t have the 215 pound weight class in PA back then.  It was rough!  Thanks to my mother, who provided me with nutritional supplements, I survived.  My last few years of high school provided me with the revelation that how you prepared would parallel how you performed.  I soon realized that nutrition played a huge role.  Fast forward 15 years or so and I am still very concerned with Human Performance and how our nutrition can effect it.   I had to learn things the long and hard way.  But you don't!

One main difference is now I am no longer a meat head football, wrestler, maniac!Well maybe a little but I have my Doctorate in physical therapy.  That makes me like a filet mignon meat head as my cousin Tyrell likes to remind me.  Lol! I am no longer worried about myself as much as I am with helping athletes perform and everyone else get as much quality out of there life as possible.  There isn’t much difference between performance and sickness, they are on the same spectrum at opposite ends.  Unfortunately most practitioners work with either one or the other.  I have been lucky to be this hybrid type practitioner that is bridging the gap between performance and sickness.

My approach utilizes a fusion of exercise science, physical therapy, sports nutrition, and medicine.  I have acquired a wealth of knowledge and now it is my moral obligation to society to give the best information possible regarding these categories and synthesize it in a way people can understand and apply it to their own lives on a daily basis. 

I started the slide show with this picture.

Simply because people are not born knowing how to exercise.  They need a guide.   Exercise Science, physical therapy and human performance is a very difficult topic to understand and requires high levels of  education.  Not everyone has this education, yet everyone needs to know how to eat and how to move their bodies to get specific training results as well as improved health.

If you want to get the best results or training effect, you need the right exercise prescription.  We all see people going to the gym that never change and never get results.  Many of these people give up on exercise and say it doesn't work.  Nothing works if you don't have the right prescription.  An exercise prescription or routine specific for cardiovascular benefits will not give a person the body they want with lots of lean muscle and little body fat.  Many people are trying to lose fat and are only doing what it takes to give them some heart health benefits, which doesn't take much.  Losing body fat however requires a different approach.  Lowering blood sugar and increasing insulin sensitivity, also require a different specific approach.  Our PT's understand this because we are trained in both performance and helping people when they are sick.  You have to know both ends to get the full picture.  

Obviously, the methods people are using in the gyms and weight loss centers/programs are not working. 
Why am I so concerned about this topic?  How bad is our current state? 75% of our health care dollars are spent on chronic preventable diseases. Although we have a war on cancer for 50 years and a war on everything else, our health continues to decline and our rates of chronic disease have reached epidemic proportions.  

The Ancient Romans and Greeks had it right(see how ripped King Leonidas is!).  They did not have a microscope.  The invention of the microscope and the ability to identify how chemicals effected living organisms on the cellular level and beyond may have been the catalyst of the sickness epidemic of widespread chronic disease we see today.  Yes it gave Doctors the ability to save lives.  It also gave the pharmaceutical industry a way to get people hooked on quick fixes, drugs!  In King Leonidas' days people had to know what foods to eat and how to exercise.  They couldn't rely on a pill or surgery when they had a problem.  It was over.  So they were preventative.  Funny how they had it right 2000 years ago.  I blame air conditioning.  We are too comfortable!  Lol!

The American College of Sports Medicine is now campaigning that exercise is medicine.  I always say exercise is hygiene but that is an argument for a different day. If exercise is medicine, people need a program that is run by a licensed medical practitioner.  The practitioner of choice for any type of exercise.  A PT.  At Revolution Physical Therapy we are  defining a new type of physical therapist.  A physical therapist that can not only focus on rehab but enhancement as well.  

The babyboomers are making a huge impact on society.  They are very aware of the struggles they may face financially secondary to the economic collapse a few years back.   Many are not aware that most of the economic hardships retirees face today are medical expenses from chronic, however preventable, diseases.  If you live past 50 in the U.S.(this eliminates all of the infant mortality rates and many motor vehicle accidents) you are likely to live to 90.  Most people do not realize that and are not planning for a life 25 years past retirement age.  

We must educate our aging population that it doesn't have to be this way.  We can enjoy retirement in our Golden Years.  Their isn't much Golden about nursing homes, becoming a pin cushion, nor medical bills stacked up breaking your bank.  The only way to go into a battle with the potential for success is to prepare, be as strong as possible and have access to every resource at our disposal.  

Since WWII we have moved from a society of scarcity abundance and opportunity the likes the world has never seen or dealt with before.  Decisions are based upon capital and financial gains not moral or ethical scrutiny as they were in the generation of millenia past.  We have not handled this responsibility of abundance very well.  It is much like when professional athletes make millions of dollars and then act like jackwagons. 
We have seen advancements in every avenue from technology.  Most of us didn't have a computer 10 years ago, let alone a small computer with internet access we carry in our pockets.  I am appreciative of technology and I thank Verizon, Microsoft etc.  However we progressed in every avenue except for the health of our people.  why do we keep get more sick if we have all of this amazing medical technology and pharmaceuticals?

We have to make a stand.  We have control.  We can make a difference.  We must take the reigns on our future.  No one will do this for us.  There is however one small problem.  People are getting very rich off of the misfortunes of others.  Instead of removing the problem.  we tax people more and make it accessible on every corner, i.e cigarettes.  Oh yea that will fix the problem.  

MAckavelli’s Law of Reform:
There is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things. Every Major reform will create winners and losers.   For the reformer has enemies in all those who profit from the old order and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order.

I need Help.  I need support!  I am vowing to help make a difference!

We live in a very scary and dangerous environment full of hidden killers.  As mentioned in part one, insulin can be attributed to the reason we gain weight.  Sugar is a toxic substance and slowly kills us over time like drinking a drop of Drano every day.  Sugar is everywhere.  A substance we were never meant to consume is lurking on every street corner.  We need more awareness of how to navigate ourselves through this environment and I am here to be your guide.

Many more people are seeking wellness today.  Many understand that getting older does not have to mean getting sicker!  Interestingly wellness is a term that describes the pursuit of self-actualization, not the same as these companies promoting wellness through pampering massages and nutrient supplements.  Wellness is self development. Wellness is between our ears.  

  Wellness is about being a better you.  If each and everyone one of us can begin to strive for true wellness, the world will start to become a better place.  Don't do what everyone else does.  Don't be fooled by companies that are trying to influence you to buy something and get addicted to something that is actually killing you!  

Start an information diet and be careful what you consume.  When it comes to information consumption who you are is truly what you eat!  You are what you eat literally as well.  Your body gets its life form its chemical make up.  No batteries included.  No wall chargers.  No cords or plugs.  What you eat determines your structural make up and ultimately how much energy you have.  Low energy levels are not normal.  It is a sign of disease.  

I will post more of the specifics in Part III.  Hopefully, you  will still be following.

In part III I will cover topics such as

  1. What is metabolic syndrome? 
  2. Dehydration is directly related to fat gain
  3. The way to start using Insulin to help you lose fat and gain more lean muscle
  4. Tricks to losing fat and keeping it off
  5. How to get stronger, leaner and more muscular at the same time

Thanks for continuing to follow me and my efforts.  I am looking forward to helping you and providing you with the best information that could help save our quality of life.  Hope all is well with all of you.  Please stay tuned.

The secret to fat loss part 2.

In review of last night’s talk at my clinic I will use the information for The Secrets to Fat Loss Part II. In Part III I am planning to unveil many more secrets that can be used to help lose body fat, get healthier and stay that way for ever.

It was a much better than expected attendance.  I am very thankful and appreciative to all of those who showed up.  Hope you enjoyed.  I received a lot of positive feedback and we are planning for future events revolving around similar topic so stay tuned.  

I started out with my interests in nutrition, weight loss and exercise when I started to participate in wrestling in 9th grade.  I was a slightly overweight football player.  My senior year of football I weighed about 225 pounds playing fullback and inside linebacker.  Within 5-6 weeks I had to drop my weight to 189 pounds to compete in wrestling.  They didn’t have the 215 pound weight class in PA back then.  It was rough!  Thanks to my mother, who provided me with nutritional supplements, I survived.  My last few years of high school provided me with the revelation that how you prepared would parallel how you performed.  I soon realized that nutrition played a huge role.  Fast forward 15 years or so and I am still very concerned with Human Performance and how our nutrition can effect it.   I had to learn things the long and hard way.  But you don't!

One main difference is now I am no longer a meat head football, wrestler, maniac! I have my Doctorate in physical therapy.  I am no longer worried about myself as much as I am with helping athletes perform and everyone else get as much quality out of there life as possible.  There isn’t much difference between performance and sickness, they are on the same spectrum at opposite ends.  Unfortunately most practitioners work with either one or the other.  I have been lucky to be this hybrid type practitioner that is bridging the gap between performance and sickness.

My approach utilizes a fusion of exercise science, physical therapy, sports nutrition, and medicine.  I have acquired a wealth of knowledge and now it is my moral obligation to society to give the best information possible regarding these categories and synthesize it in a way people can understand and apply it to their own lives on a daily basis. 

I started the slide show with this picture.

Simply because people are not born knowing how to exercise.  They need a guide.   Exercise Science, physical therapy and human performance is a very difficult topic to understand and requires high levels of  education.  Not everyone has this education, yet everyone needs to know how to eat and how to move their bodies to get specific training results as well as improved health.

If you want to get the best results or training effect, you need the right exercise prescription.  We all see people going to the gym that never change and never get results.  Many of these people give up on exercise and say it doesn't work.  Nothing works if you don't have the right prescription.  An exercise prescription or routine specific for cardiovascular benefits will not give a person the body they want with lots of lean muscle and little body fat.  Many people are trying to lose fat and are only doing what it takes to give them some heart health benefits, which doesn't take much.  Losing body fat however requires a different approach.  Lowering blood sugar and increasing insulin sensitivity, also require a different specific approach.  Our PT's understand this because we are trained in both performance and helping people when they are sick.  You have to know both ends to get the full picture.  

Obviously, the methods people are using in the gyms and weight loss centers/programs are not working. 
Why am I so concerned about this topic?  How bad is our current state? 75% of our health care dollars are spent on chronic preventable diseases. Although we have a war on cancer for 50 years and a war on everything else, our health continues to decline and our rates of chronic disease have reached epidemic proportions.  

The Ancient Romans and Greeks had it right(see how ripped King Leonidas is!).  They did not have a microscope.  The invention of the microscope and the ability to identify how chemicals effected living organisms on the cellular level and beyond may have been the catalyst of the sickness epidemic of widespread chronic disease we see today.  Yes it gave Doctors the ability to save lives.  It also gave the pharmaceutical industry a way to get people hooked on quick fixes, drugs!  In King Leonidas' days people had to know what foods to eat and how to exercise.  They couldn't rely on a pill or surgery when they had a problem.  It was over.  So they were preventative.  Funny how they had it right 2000 years ago.  I blame air conditioning.  We are too comfortable!  Lol!

The American College of Sports Medicine is now campaigning that exercise is medicine.  I always say exercise is hygiene but that is an argument for a different day. If exercise is medicine, people need a program that is run by a licensed medical practitioner.  The practitioner of choice for any type of exercise.  A PT.  At Revolution Physical Therapy we are  defining a new type of physical therapist.  A physical therapist that can not only focus on rehab but enhancement as well.  

The babyboomers are making a huge impact on society.  They are very aware of the struggles they may face financially secondary to the economic collapse a few years back.   Many are not aware that most of the economic hardships retirees face today are medical expenses from chronic, however preventable, diseases.  If you live past 50 in the U.S.(this eliminates all of the infant mortality rates and many motor vehicle accidents) you are likely to live to 90.  Most people do not realize that and are not planning for a life 25 years past retirement age.  

We must educate our aging population that it doesn't have to be this way.  We can enjoy retirement in our Golden Years.  Their isn't much Golden about nursing homes, becoming a pin cushion, nor medical bills stacked up breaking your bank.  The only way to go into a battle with the potential for success is to prepare, be as strong as possible and have access to every resource at our disposal.  

Since WWII we have moved from a society of scarcity abundance and opportunity the likes the world has never seen or dealt with before.  Decisions are based upon capital and financial gains not moral or ethical scrutiny as they were in the generation of millenia past.  We have not handled this responsibility of abundance very well.  It is much like when professional athletes make millions of dollars and then act like jackwagons. 
We have seen advancements in every avenue from technology.  Most of us didn't have a computer 10 years ago, let alone a small computer with internet access we carry in our pockets.  I am appreciative of technology and I thank Verizon, Microsoft etc.  However we progressed in every avenue except for the health of our people.  why do we keep get more sick if we have all of this amazing medical technology and pharmaceuticals?

We have to make a stand.  We have control.  We can make a difference.  We must take the reigns on our future.  No one will do this for us.  There is however one small problem.  People are getting very rich off of the misfortunes of others.  Instead of removing the problem.  we tax people more and make it accessible on every corner, i.e cigarettes.  Oh yea that will fix the problem.  

MAckavelli’s Law of Reform:
There is nothing more difficult to carry out, nor more doubtful of success, nor more dangerous to handle, than to initiate a new order of things. Every Major reform will create winners and losers.   For the reformer has enemies in all those who profit from the old order and only lukewarm defenders in all those who would profit by the new order.

I need Help.  I need support!  I am vowing to help make a difference!

We live in a very scary and dangerous environment full of hidden killers.  As mentioned in part one, insulin can be attributed to the reason we gain weight.  Sugar is a toxic substance and slowly kills us over time like drinking a drop of Drano every day.  Sugar is everywhere.  A substance we were never meant to consume is lurking on every street corner.  We need more awareness of how to navigate ourselves through this environment and I am here to be your guide.

Many more people are seeking wellness today.  Many understand that getting older does not have to mean getting sicker!  Interestingly wellness is a term that describes the pursuit of self-actualization, not the same as these companies promoting wellness through pampering massages and nutrient supplements.  Wellness is self development. Wellness is between our ears.  

  Wellness is about being a better you.  If each and everyone one of us can begin to strive for true wellness, the world will start to become a better place.  Don't do what everyone else does.  Don't be fooled by companies that are trying to influence you to buy something and get addicted to something that is actually killing you!  

Start an information diet and be careful what you consume.  When it comes to information consumption who you are is truly what you eat!  You are what you eat literally as well.  Your body gets its life form its chemical make up.  No batteries included.  No wall chargers.  No cords or plugs.  What you eat determines your structural make up and ultimately how much energy you have.  Low energy levels are not normal.  It is a sign of disease.  

I will post more of the specifics in Part III.  Hopefully, you  will still be following.

In part III I will cover topics such as

  1. What is metabolic syndrome? 
  2. Dehydration is directly related to fat gain
  3. The way to start using Insulin to help you lose fat and gain more lean muscle
  4. Tricks to losing fat and keeping it off
  5. How to get stronger, leaner and more muscular at the same time

Thanks for continuing to follow me and my efforts.  I am looking forward to helping you and providing you with the best information that could help save our quality of life.  Hope all is well with all of you.  Please stay tuned.